
0001名無しさん2007/04/30(月) 07:23:43ID:lKm3guwE

there were two things i was thinking while i was away;
to study architecture, or become a hand bag designer.
after i came back, i thought to move to LA,
go to school and study a same thing i've done last
couple months.

0533名無しさん2017/01/21(土) 13:20:42.82ID:tnYTRLH5d
It's totally different Donald duck from Dondld Trump.

0534名無しさん2017/01/21(土) 16:19:41.06ID:nslCv6Kya

0535名無しさん2017/01/21(土) 21:51:10.67ID:lAJtozG60
Dont put affiliate site link!

0536名無しさん2017/01/22(日) 02:37:01.96ID:n5b40V4d0
I'm going to march today in DRAG!

0537名無しさん2017/01/22(日) 16:24:51.94ID:xRzheOo9a

0538名無しさん2017/01/25(水) 20:59:44.93ID:SNJoFlJ+0
TS consultingの紹介で富士通テンに転職したら、試用期間で解雇された。

I was fired Fujitsu Ten, which was introduced by TS consluting.

0539名無しさん2017/01/31(火) 23:22:44.98ID:ivP5kq1j0
Go to hell Donald Trump.

0540名無しさん2017/02/01(水) 23:42:54.75ID:M+2XsZHW0
Rakuten Group Viber will announce tomorrow free international calls from the US to all the countries banned.

0541名無しさん2017/02/02(木) 00:06:29.15ID:ZknzqVVB0
Yesterday night, the live streaming of the US Senate's theatrical session was
theaatricalicrediblly great!! I was amazed-
Democrats are still halting the nominee of Attorney General (Trump's fascist pick)

0542名無しさん2017/02/02(木) 07:40:39.11ID:0oYn4BCB00202

0543名無しさん2017/02/07(火) 00:55:48.40ID:W2p0leL40
I hope Trump will be killed. Pig president. Motherfucker!!!!

0544名無しさん2017/02/07(火) 00:57:48.02ID:W2p0leL40
God thinks he will destroy whole the world.
But People's Republic of China is a great country.

0545名無しさん2017/04/26(水) 22:40:58.57ID:6uqPdJqc0
Got hang of it!

0546名無しさん2017/05/11(木) 03:57:21.54ID:SbaNWQmz0
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0547名無しさん2017/05/20(土) 03:39:46.26ID:wZaEXUN50

0548名無しさん2017/05/20(土) 03:41:12.22ID:wZaEXUN50

0549名無しさん2017/06/03(土) 13:07:03.29ID:kx3pfQ0r0
μ micron

0550名無しさん2017/06/09(金) 10:57:26.68ID:L4frdCaD0
        \  イヤッッッッッッッ         /??
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     / し'.ヽ ( .∨    /\________|__|??
    //    し'  / /\   ̄:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

0551名無しさん2017/06/24(土) 10:24:44.63ID:9F5RQGic0
  , - - 、
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  / ./  |    | |、' ` |  |´Д`)__   Nobody is here!?
 ⊂、J  (   i.  !__) ; : |    ^ム 〕
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      :  : :   : ://W \   |  |
            '  ;  ,  ` 、 |  !
                   ! ! !
                   : : :

0552名無しさん2017/06/29(木) 23:32:12.76ID:dRVCcpYs0NIKU

0553名無しさん2018/02/04(日) 17:26:13.97ID:DHx9ei610


0554名無しさん2018/02/15(木) 06:08:10.66ID:/XLgJC+FH
Don't treat people as bad as they are, treat them as good as you are.

0555名無しさん2018/02/16(金) 08:57:11.77ID:uqHbgbGoH
Omaera pugera warota sugoku ookiidesu.....

0556ファンキー中村2018/02/17(土) 03:20:36.11ID:aH1oFbwpK
アイ ライク MANKO

0557名無しさん2018/04/20(金) 14:03:52.65ID:c43JAdl+0
Don’t confuse my personality with my attitude.
My personality is who I am.
My attitude depends on who you are.

― Frank Ocean

That applies to everyone.

0558名無しさん2018/05/05(土) 11:25:34.20ID:1o8CtpTf00505
Imai Mai and Tanaka Nanao can’t write a decently researched article even if their lives
depended on it. Shameless third rate garbage. They are unfit to write about any topic, even for Cyzo.

Oh, and this moron Tanaka can’t even do grade school math either.

0559名無しさん2019/01/05(土) 13:16:08.56ID:kReG0DtWa
Destroy the wall. Mexico is a better country than U.S.

0560名無しさん2019/02/20(水) 08:29:42.17ID:Aivr1gEcM
I believe Trump is better than Clinton and Obama.
Why so many American people dislike him?
They too believe what media say.

0561Cosmopolitanist2019/02/20(水) 21:34:39.32ID:SS8l4GbCa
I hate Trump and his barbacic regime that goes against the times.
Seen as long term vision, the liberal political system follows the civilization of human society. I support Trudeau, Macron and Obama. A country like Sweden is ideal for me.

0562Cosmopolitanist2019/02/20(水) 21:36:36.47ID:SS8l4GbCa
I also think Latin America is a wonderful place with friendly people and fascinating culture, so Americans should learn from them.

0563Cosmopolitanist2019/02/20(水) 21:38:19.04ID:SS8l4GbCa
▲ リベラルは保守よりIQが高い! ▲

0564Cosmopolitanist2019/02/20(水) 22:07:59.18ID:SS8l4GbCa
Trump is actually a slave of Jews.

0565名無しさん2019/02/22(金) 02:27:20.96ID:y9/VKLjsM
You seem to do not understand world politics completely.
But I agree about Latin.

0566名無しさん2019/02/22(金) 02:34:54.42ID:y9/VKLjsM
Trump is actually gnosticism.
The world will become the denomination near future.

0567名無しさん2019/02/22(金) 06:25:15.90ID:Ik9tvIXBH
If people make bad assumptions about me, that's their problems.

0568名無しさん2019/02/22(金) 07:25:57.79ID:Ik9tvIXBH
That applies to everyone.

0569名無しさん2019/02/22(金) 17:45:23.38ID:kqaQWptF0
> 在日の親は、子供を朝鮮幼稚園・朝鮮学校に入れたいっていうのが多いのよ。
> 日本人からすると、なんでだろうって思うけど、日本人の学校では、民族の誇りを持った教育がしてもらえないんだそうだ。
> よく分からないけど、済州島の流刑者の白丁が大阪に密入国して住み着いたじゃ誇りが持てないけど、
> 日本人に強制連行された被害者なら誇りが持てる、とかそういう事かな??
> 市原市の能満は昔から市街化調整区域で、新規の建物は造れないことになっている。
> そのため土地が安く、日本の法律を無視した在日が、次々と移り住んできた。
> そこで問題になったのが、朝鮮学校だ。なかなか許可が下りず、一番近くても千葉市にしかない。
> そこで在日居住区の能満内にあった、能満幼稚園・市原小・市原中・緑高の保育士や教師を、朝鮮化する事を考えた。
> 今では在日幼稚園の保育士は全て朝鮮帰化人で、在日の父兄からの絶大な支持を受けている。
> 遠くからでも、わざわざ在日幼稚園に入園させたいという在日の親は、後を絶たない。
> この在日幼稚園卒園者はほぼ朝鮮系の帰化人と在日だ。

0570Cosmopolitanist2019/02/22(金) 20:36:52.94ID:3fNJIdlua
Don't discriminate minorities or LGBT people.

0571Cosmopolitanist2019/02/26(火) 22:18:36.20ID:543wZadja
I have Indian bosses so much. They are thickheaded, conservative, stubborn, intimidating, oppressive and insensitive once they are promoted or start to employ.

0572Cosmopolitanist2019/02/26(火) 22:19:25.46ID:543wZadja
I hate Indian bosses so much. They are thickheaded, conservative, stubborn, intimidating, oppressive and insensitive once they are promoted or start to employ.

0573名無しさん2019/03/23(土) 00:07:03.10ID:txb3mU0q0
In Japan, men in their fifties or older are almost pigheaded bastards like rags of their wives. And they may live with sexuality.

0574名無しさん2019/03/23(土) 00:07:53.32ID:txb3mU0q0
In Japan, men in their fifties or older are almost pigheaded bastards like rags of their wives. And they may live without sexuality.

0575名無しさん2019/03/23(土) 00:18:58.07ID:iGP79Xxl0

0576名無しさん2019/03/24(日) 07:33:47.64ID:x1+inI7g0
You guys are soooooooo nuts.

0577名無しさん2019/03/27(水) 23:42:12.28ID:Q/zQTOYz0


0578名無しさん2019/03/27(水) 23:47:01.16ID:qYEZwDOc0
Sucez ma bite.

0579名無しさん2019/03/29(金) 08:03:03.66ID:kN3112rDa
There are many toxic companies filled with aged employees where young generations don't join.
As the aged do not easily quit even such a company, the working conditions get worse day after day.
(toxic companies... so called black companies in Japan)

0580名無しさん2019/04/02(火) 03:47:40.64ID:KwEw6uLxH
a horrible talebearer

0581名無しさん(南アフリカ)2019/07/13(土) 19:07:23.17ID:Ze0Uu1+70
Legalize marijuana

0582名無しさん2023/03/28(火) 13:53:45.18ID:W9TMPknl0
(^-^)y- (^o^)y-。o0○ ( -.-)ノ⌒-~

0583名無しさん2023/04/02(日) 03:52:03.61ID:MAlcfj7b0
I was in middle school back in the 80s.
The game center got banned and I got caught by a teacher who also happened to be the manager of my club.
Because of that, I had to write a repentance letter lol

I didn't really think what was wrong so it was hard to write.
I didn't think going to the game center was a sin at all lol
But I had to pretend to show it to the teacher how bad I was lol

I used to like the club manager, but after being treated like a criminal, I couldn't look at him the same way.
That experience traumatized me ...
And now that I'm in America, I can see how stupid that culture was.
It was like a mild version of North Korea lol

I don't want to go back to Japan anymore and I won't raise my kids there.
Japanese culture for that experience? No way lol
