Let's talk with Jim-san in dejima.

0001maji2014/03/08(Sat) 19:39:42.23ID:qzj8vSJC0

0033maji2014/03/10(Mon) 13:12:49.67ID:ioD4JLVy0
Good afternoon ,everyone
How are you ? I' enjoyed the lunch, OKONOMIYAKI.

Take it easy !

0034maji2014/03/10(Mon) 16:35:48.90ID:OJ0aniC+0
No prob.

Thanks man:-)

0035maji2014/03/10(Mon) 17:43:56.92ID:ioD4JLVy0
Good evening
Do you plan to renovate MARU board: http://ikura.2ch.net/maru/
I think it is a good place for you to provide some benefits for customer
of ROUNIN because the user can only post here. And it is time you would change the name of this board.

Just now this board is used for a check of login and increase the capacity of NINPOUCYOU.
This is wasteful of a precious resource.

This board has a great potentiality to improve ROUNIN service.

0036maji2014/03/13(Thu) 13:21:21.33ID:/YL3NYOw0

0037maji2014/03/14(Fri) 08:28:44.03ID:dVuapcnN0

0038maji2014/03/14(Fri) 08:36:15.36ID:dVuapcnN0
hi Im so bored right now

0039maji2014/03/14(Fri) 22:45:49.32ID:u5Mi4Orr0

0040maji2014/03/30(Sun) 01:23:47.94ID:L0CeVvfw0

0041maji2014/04/13(Sun) 21:58:04.50ID:uArgV5sN0

0042maji2014/04/14(Mon) 00:33:37.03ID:Ezivxzk60

0043Grape Ape š2014/04/14(Mon) 01:02:58.57ID:???0?2BP(666)
Good evening guys

0044maji2014/04/14(Mon) 01:11:09.96ID:34PdMHgR0
good midnight Jim-san

0045maji2014/04/14(Mon) 01:11:12.83ID:eHBJmwE20
good evening jim-san
hows going everything?

0046Grape Ape š2014/04/14(Mon) 01:14:19.84ID:???0?2BP(666)
I am having a nice evening. I am working on a new song, and just chatting online.

0047maji2014/04/14(Mon) 01:18:28.08ID:eHBJmwE20
new song? what kind of?

0048maji2014/04/14(Mon) 01:44:48.10ID:ROrBEa5r0

0049Grape Ape š2014/04/14(Mon) 02:26:30.78ID:???0?2BP(666)
Something upbeat, just a piano tune.

0050maji2014/04/14(Mon) 02:39:56.27ID:eHBJmwE20
sounds beautiful!
i love piano line too.
you dont sleep well from last night ,dou you?
you can take a rest till the market will open.

0051maji2014/04/14(Mon) 03:03:10.02ID:AQ8nx+fr0
I love you.
Please marry me.

0052Grape Ape š2014/04/14(Mon) 23:12:44.21ID:???0?2BP(666)
Thank you.
I will plug my midi in and play for a while. If it sounds good I will record it for you.

0053Grape Ape š2014/04/15(Tue) 20:58:40.95ID:???0?2BP(666)
I will take a rest tonight. I am feeling a little tired.

0054maji2014/04/15(Tue) 21:35:28.66ID:RYVpSTTj0
Jim-san ,take care

0055maji2014/04/16(Wed) 00:22:25.33ID:+oqR57xs0
jim-san, you carried out a great work for the last few days!!
good night. sleep well:)

0056Grape Ape š2014/04/16(Wed) 01:09:01.37ID:???0?2BP(666)
>>55 I had to wake up.

0057Grape Ape š2014/04/16(Wed) 02:06:15.84ID:???0?2BP(666)
Good night

0058maji2014/04/17(Thu) 13:20:30.52ID:i0sWQGE20

0059maji2014/04/17(Thu) 20:47:11.88ID:lQLStvla0
Good job
I know you can do it

0060maji2014/04/29(Tue) 05:06:42.72ID:7L6cwELk0
Wow. He's calling himself with the san honorific suffix.
What a self-conceited douche.

0061Grape Ape š2014/05/11(Sun) 17:13:11.12ID:???0?2BP(666)
I hope to be recycled often.

0062Grape Ape š2014/05/11(Sun) 18:01:22.33ID:???0?2BP(666)
We are going to try to be more aggressive in improvements.

0063maji2014/05/11(Sun) 21:29:02.40ID:bsdOHrv20
you wish

0064maji2014/05/12(Mon) 22:41:31.69ID:DIvEKX5V0
fix them

0065Grape Ape š2014/05/15(Thu) 10:35:26.17ID:???0?2BP(666)
We will do our best.

0066Grape Ape š2014/05/22(Thu) 14:32:44.55ID:???0
I am sorry about all the server problems. We are trying to improve hardware, and increase
security to benefit the users. I am sorry for the inconvenience while we make things better.

0067maji2014/05/24(Sat) 02:01:49.50ID:Ty1Yl3NR0
I appreciate your work.
Thank you, Jim-san and all the staff.

0068maji2014/08/21(Thu) 03:44:07.80ID:yZsW8Rns0
koe-naki koe ni chikara wo

0069maji2014/09/02(Tue) 21:20:36.03ID:wwoNKAat0
Give love for the age without love

0070maji “]Ϊƒ_ƒ©2ch.net2014/10/31(Fri) 23:59:05.75ID:s9GKW7G80
Takahiro Karasawa

0071maji2015/01/10(Sat) 23:28:59.49ID:8R5JfOPE0
What happen?
Please fix the servers as soon as possible

0072maji2015/02/17(Tue) 00:41:59.83ID:ag5JjwWy0
fuck Jim

0073maji2015/06/03(Wed) 05:09:53.16ID:vXFj7ZRn0

0074maji2015/10/27(Tue) 20:16:02.80ID:3omDScJI0

0075maji2015/11/18(Wed) 14:28:11.31ID:Cce1DzhJ0

0076maji2016/11/08(Tue) 01:05:54.27ID:PynldRhV0
you really dicide to ban no-id thread in livejupiter and news4vip? noooooooooooo

0077maji2023/09/17(Sun) 23:06:12.43ID:j48PR+Me0

0078maji2023/09/25(Mon) 14:39:01.67ID:PM9vIxJE0

0079maji2023/09/28(Thu) 15:39:19.00ID:/QUnDF6A0

0080maji2023/10/07(Sat) 08:29:42.95ID:hrPS7DAK0

0081maji2023/10/09(Mon) 04:57:49.79ID:xUalV4eh0

0082maji2023/10/11(Wed) 22:45:18.05ID:LsZRe0zf0

0083maji2023/10/18(Wed) 17:01:45.45ID:x3AXPTSb0
